Carbon nanotubes are one of the only nanotechnogies that has become popularized and recognized by the public. Imagine yourself five years ago. Did you know about what nanotechnologies could do? Was it any more than a futuristic technology of the distant future, not worthy of current investigation?
If you are like most people, the answer is probably yes. Today, is a very different story from then: More and more people are becoming aware of the new field as more money funnels into nanotech. research.
The Carbon nanotube is the perfect marketing tool for nanotechnologies: The idea is so relatively simple, and the uses seem to be endless. Here are some of the most prevalent uses (as provided by nanoNews)
10) Carbon Nanotubes can be coupled with DNA or protein receptors to enhance olfactory abilities. This can be used to sniff out bombs or detect cancer.
9) Carbon nanotubes can be used for artificial muscles because they act and respond in similar ways to actual muscles. The nanotubes are very good conductors of electricity, meaning that they can be used to perform work, and are also light and flexible enough to substitute a muscle.
8) Super strong Tape - the inspiration for this innovation was the gecko, which can climb up smooth walls thanks to hairs on its feet. The Carbon Nanotube tape mimics gecko, and is able to cling with 8,000 pounds of force/square foot. Duck tape clings with 67.3 pounds of force.
7) Improved Sceens - Due to their electrical properties, carbon nanotubes can be used to enhance TV displays and make them bend.
6) their lightweight and strong properties mean that they can be used to help restructure broken bones and help people heal from various injuries.
5) Cell Therapy - This is a prominent zone for nanotechnologies. People are able to use carbon nanotubes as a transport mechanism of DNA activators or inhibitors into the cell.
4) Supercapcitors - due the the high amount of surface area, carbon nanotubes are posing as a threat to the modern battery, and they are getting ready to dominate the field, increasing battery span and efficiency
3) Efficiency - Small doses of Nanomaterials can vastly improve the efficiency of solar panels because it is so conductive and because of the high amount of surface area.
2) Structural Support - This one is really hitting the market, at the moment. Nanotubes' fabulous strength (while maintaining a small mass) is being used in all sorts of products, from the frames of bikes to guns.
1) Water Purification - Maybe one of the innovations with the greatest impacts: Nanotubes' structural properties make them an ideal filter of unhealthy water to potable water. It takes out everything from chemical toxins to harmful microbes, and may soon be used to bring clean water to millions without it today.
For more information on these applications, click here
(The details of the creation of the tubes were published in an earlier post)
If you are like most people, the answer is probably yes. Today, is a very different story from then: More and more people are becoming aware of the new field as more money funnels into nanotech. research.
The Carbon nanotube is the perfect marketing tool for nanotechnologies: The idea is so relatively simple, and the uses seem to be endless. Here are some of the most prevalent uses (as provided by nanoNews)
10) Carbon Nanotubes can be coupled with DNA or protein receptors to enhance olfactory abilities. This can be used to sniff out bombs or detect cancer.
9) Carbon nanotubes can be used for artificial muscles because they act and respond in similar ways to actual muscles. The nanotubes are very good conductors of electricity, meaning that they can be used to perform work, and are also light and flexible enough to substitute a muscle.
8) Super strong Tape - the inspiration for this innovation was the gecko, which can climb up smooth walls thanks to hairs on its feet. The Carbon Nanotube tape mimics gecko, and is able to cling with 8,000 pounds of force/square foot. Duck tape clings with 67.3 pounds of force.
7) Improved Sceens - Due to their electrical properties, carbon nanotubes can be used to enhance TV displays and make them bend.
6) their lightweight and strong properties mean that they can be used to help restructure broken bones and help people heal from various injuries.
5) Cell Therapy - This is a prominent zone for nanotechnologies. People are able to use carbon nanotubes as a transport mechanism of DNA activators or inhibitors into the cell.
4) Supercapcitors - due the the high amount of surface area, carbon nanotubes are posing as a threat to the modern battery, and they are getting ready to dominate the field, increasing battery span and efficiency
3) Efficiency - Small doses of Nanomaterials can vastly improve the efficiency of solar panels because it is so conductive and because of the high amount of surface area.
2) Structural Support - This one is really hitting the market, at the moment. Nanotubes' fabulous strength (while maintaining a small mass) is being used in all sorts of products, from the frames of bikes to guns.
1) Water Purification - Maybe one of the innovations with the greatest impacts: Nanotubes' structural properties make them an ideal filter of unhealthy water to potable water. It takes out everything from chemical toxins to harmful microbes, and may soon be used to bring clean water to millions without it today.
For more information on these applications, click here
(The details of the creation of the tubes were published in an earlier post)