Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Imagine the wooden pole of an umbrella, which weighs about 4 kg and is about 2 meters tall. Now imagine a single pole like an umbrella, but hundreds of times thinner and stronger than steel. The result is nanotubes.

One square kilometer of nanotubes weighs only about 30 kilograms, it is flexible , and stronger than steel.

Due to its properties, nanotubes have become a viable candidate for a multitude of uses like strong cords to stop fighter jets when landing on a boat. One of the most famous and most anticipated uses of nanotubes is to create a space elevator that would stretch from the Earth to the moon. (Source)
Artist idea of a space elevator
Recently, researches at Rice University has discovered how to create nanotubes quickly and effectively. First they put carbon inside a furnace at 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit to heat up the carbon, and then they put the carbon through a process called laser vaporization. In essence, laser vaporizes the atoms of an object by heating it up so quickly. Then, the atoms fall back down onto the open end of the tube thus growing the nanotube. While the atoms fall onto the nanotubes ends, a catalyst of cobalt nickel prevents the tube from capping until the cobalt nickel is removed, allowing scientist to cap the nanotube at specific time, and letting them create nanotubes at specific lengths. (Source)

 Nanotubes are built up from hexagons, and because hexagons are one of the 5 platonic solids (where the enclosure of the platonic solid would create a dodecahedron). It forms a surface that has no open areas. In fact a nanotube is essentially a dodecahedron, but because of the cobalt nickel, the middle is extended until it closes. In other words, if you cut of both ends of a nanotube and put them together, you would get a dodecahedron.  (I am receiving feedback that this is not very clear, so feel free to post comment to ask questions).

It is also possible to change the nanotubes. Nanotubes are described by vectors (looks like <n,m>) that describe how far the two points that are superimposed to be rolled up are from each other. 
There are three different types of nanotubes; here are the properties of their vectors:
  • Zig-zags-the abscissa can be any number, but the ordinate is always 0
  • Armchairs-the  abscissa and ordinates are always equal
  • Chirals- is when the abscissa and ordinate have no relevance to each other, and so either can be any number 
The zig-zags and armchairs often are very symmetric while Chirals are not.
(source 1) (source 2)

Different types of nanotubes that change because of changes in vectors

Resources: NISE Net

NISE network (Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network)
This website is good for younger kids, including kids under 8th grade. It provides resources for all students ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade.It also explains new breakthroughs about nanotechnology,

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Resource: Science Daily; Nanotechnology News

This Website tells us breakthoughs in Nanotechnology. It is a good resource to find the newest discovberies, and the link leads directly on news of Nanotechnology.

Book: Nanotechnology by Ben Rogers, Sumita Pennathur, Jesse Adams

Nanotechnology: Understanding Small Systems, Second Edition
by: Ben Rogers
Sumita Pennathur
Jesse Adams
This was a book that was suggested to me by Dr. Letfullin. It is a detailed book on nanotechnology explaining how it works, how it is used, how it developed as well as possibilities. This book is relatively simple but is also quite blunt in the manner in which it presents information. It does not hide anything from the reader to how a certain idea works, but it always explains the idea again in simpler analogous ways.

CRC Press second addition 2012,
ISBN: 978-14398-4920-0

Contact: Dr. Renat Letfullin

I met Dr. Letfullin at a webinar session in early April, 2012 where he gave a general introduction to nanotechnology. He has the nations first MS in nanomedicine. He is a professor at Radiological Technologies Universities VT (RTUVT). He is currently a leader in Nanotechnologies .
Radiological Technologies University VT

Dr. Renat Letfullin
Associate Professor
Editor for International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory and Nonlinear Optics
Department of Physics and Optical Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Avenue, CM 192
Terre Haute, IN 47803-3999

General introduction to NanoMedicine

There are many possible applications to nanotechnology, one of them being nanomedicine. Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnologies to medicine and help improve peoples' lives at the atomic and molecular level. 

Rose-Hulman physics professor Renat Letfullin is on sabbatical developing the nation's first MS in nanomedicine. Here he talks about the growing field of nanomedicine.
He has one short video on Youtube explaining Nanomedicine. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Introduction: Why?

Nanotechnology is the application of technologies that are at the nanoscale, which ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers (1 Nanometer=10-9 meters). It has been predicted that the application of nanotechnologies will employ about 2 million people as well as create billions in revenue in the coming ten years. In short, it will be a very influential, yet a diverse field that needs to be explored. However, there are currently no majors in nanotechnologies at the college level, and even less preparatory classes at the high school level (at the time this blog was opened)

The point of this blog is to give students in high school or pre-college a plethora of information regarding nanotechnologies from just emerging breakthroughs, to problems that need to be solved, to high school competitions or opportunities for students in high school.

With this blog I hope to address the problems with nanotechnologies as well as educate the next generation on this imperative topic.