Monday, May 28, 2012

Introduction: Why?

Nanotechnology is the application of technologies that are at the nanoscale, which ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers (1 Nanometer=10-9 meters). It has been predicted that the application of nanotechnologies will employ about 2 million people as well as create billions in revenue in the coming ten years. In short, it will be a very influential, yet a diverse field that needs to be explored. However, there are currently no majors in nanotechnologies at the college level, and even less preparatory classes at the high school level (at the time this blog was opened)

The point of this blog is to give students in high school or pre-college a plethora of information regarding nanotechnologies from just emerging breakthroughs, to problems that need to be solved, to high school competitions or opportunities for students in high school.

With this blog I hope to address the problems with nanotechnologies as well as educate the next generation on this imperative topic.