Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Kabiller Prize in Nanoscience and Nanomedicine

At the start of this blog, five years ago, nanotechnology was a field that few had heard about but was growing at an astonishing rate. Now, many universities are focusing on nanotechnology and nanoscience, as seen with the construction of new Nano-facilities like Princeton University's Nano-Fabrication Laboratory.

In recognition of the outstanding developments in nanoscience and its importance in medicine and health, a leader in Nano-medicine, NorthWestern University's International Institute for Nanotechnology has created the international "Kabiller Prize in Nanoscience and Nanomedicine", who's goal it is to "recognizes researchers who have made exceptional advances in nanotechnology and its application in the field of medicine and biology, that have the potential to improve the quality of life for future generations." Due to the generosity of David G. Kabiller, the honor is awarded biennial with a $250,000 prize.

In addition to the "Kabiller Prize in Nanoscience and Nanomedicine", the same fund also provides for the $10,000 "Kabiller Young Investigator Award in Nanoscience and Nanomedicine", targeted to highly accomplished researchers within 20 years of earning their degree.

The first recipients of the awards will be announced in August of this year in a ceremony that will include prestigious speakers like 2014 Nobel Prize Chemistry winner William E. Moerner.

For More Information: (Source)(Source)

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